Introduction to NJAMS
nJAMS is a multi-platform monitoring solution for TIBCO BusinessWorks™. It facilitates the interaction of users with a distributed TIBCO platform and provides a single point of access to all running TIBCO BusinessWorks™ engines for managing successfully executed processes as well as warnings and errors. It also provides a set of technical capabilities to manage the interaction with the processes and generates reports.
The nJAMS solution consists of mainly 2 parts:
– The nJAMS Server™ running in a web application container.
– The nJAMS Client™ for BW, a TIBCO BusinessWorks™ plugin running within the same JVM hosting TIBCO BusinessWorks™.
The nJAMS server collects all monitoring events sent by all nJAMS Client™ for BW instances and save those events in the underlying relational database for further processing. The server and all clients communicate asynchronously via JMS and are loosely decoupled. End users interact with nJAMS via a web based GUI, which supports a technical and a business view and supports the following concepts:
– Authentication
– Authorization
– Role based access to monitoring objects
– Tasks
– Administration